Heather Byrd Talks Learning How to Fly as Writers


Did you know that 75% of people are not living up to their creative potential? That means out of every 10 people, only 2 believe that they are as creative as they would want to be.

Ask the other 8 people, and they will tell you that:
1-They are afraid of starting
2-They have tried being creative but so far nothing
3-They know they can create but self-doubt won’t let them get past their imaginations
4-They are not creative because they feel like they don’t deserve

But you know what? If you ask the 2 out of 10 people that have figured it out, they will tell you they have no regrets. Their only regret is not starting sooner.
You can be one of the 2 people who achieve their potential in the next 6 weeks. In 6 weeks, you can change your path from that of fear to that of conquering your writing career.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can. The Learn to Fly course is where I’ll show you how to get that badass story out of your head onto the page. Learn more about the transformation that’s awaiting you here https://www.byrdsworld.com/artists.html

Facilitated by Heather Byrd